Hunters of the dunes….
–Come with me, hold tight my hand,
Whilst I show you my beloved land,
Africa’s blood washes through my veins,
From Bushveld glades to savanna plains.
Have you ever heard the lion roar…. – Alf Hutchison
What a special week it was. So many celebrations and important days. We started it off with some of our guests celebrating a birthday and another couple their 20th wedding anniversary at the same time. It was definitely an occasion which called for a nice bottle of sparkling wine!
Later in the week, we were able to celebrate Womanś day and World Lion Day. It is though the lions could sense that there was an important day just dedicated to them. Sightings of the pride were quite scarce in the beginning of the week, and then all of a sudden on World Lion day, our guides were blessed with magnificent sightings of the lions. It was not only the sightings that were impeccable, but our guests had the privilege to be woken up by the deep, vibrating, thunderous roar of the African Lion.
World Lion day is the celebration of the animal kingdomś most beautiful and fearsome creature. It was founded by Big Cat Rescue, the worldś largest accredited sanctuary dedicated to big cats. August 10th is a day for people to come together from across the world to pay tribute to the the mighty lion, and we believe the best way to do it, is at Deception Valley Lodge. The foundations are based on a very serious matter: lion numbers have dramatically declined to the point where the species needs to be placed on the endangered list, just like its larger cousin, the tiger.
Therefore, we are very proud and excited to announce that our 5 cubs are still doing amazing, and they really started to enjoy the meat diet. Their faces can get rather messy, and as usual, the little ones don’t like it when their mothers decide that it is cleaning time. It almost looks like they are wearing make-up. Also, we are so thrilled to discover that another female is expecting. She should be giving birth in about 1 month and a half.
The Kalahari has been quite warm the past week, some of our guests even relaxed in their own watering hole. It was not only them utilising the refreshing swimming pool, the warthogs and Kudus decided to help themselves as well. The Elephants didn´t wait too long either, to consume the chilled water.
At night time, just before dinner, we had quite a show. The porcupine was feeding around the lodge area, and a young Honey Badger, constantly tried to help himself to the porcupine´s food. Of course the porcupine didn’t want to have any off this, so she was rattling her quills vigorously. One particular night, even a jackal decided to join in. Another extraordinary surprise awaited our guests a while after. The ever so rare Serval and Caracal were drinking water at the waterhole at the same time. How blessed we are to have experiences like this!
We are very relieved to see that the Eland which we have introduced in June, is starting to become more relaxed around humans and the vehicles, ensuring special sightings of this beautiful antelope.
With all this excitement in the air and wondrous moments, come and take our hands, and let us lead and guide your through our beloved Kalahari and Deception Valley Lodge. It will be a life-time experience. Can´t wait to see what the next few weeks has install for us.
Have a happy and good August and remember to have the courage, determination and be fearless like the most majestic feline specie in the world.
Janie Swart
General Manager