A Predatory Paradise....

The Predatory Paradise….…

A Kalahari Symphony....

A Kalahari Symphony…. ¨Listen. Can you hear it?…

Team of Thunder and Lightning

Team of Thunder and Lightning…

True Love....


Heart of a Lion....

Heart of a Lion… ¨ Even if mountains will be put in your way, The only thing…

A Festive Kaleidoscope...

A Festive Kaleidoscope…. ¨...Fancy festivals of fleeting flowers flash their…

The Green, Green Grass of Home....

The Green,Green Grass of Home… ¨...The green, green grass of home, follows me,…

For the Love of Deception

For the love of Deception... ¨From earth's furthest corner To the closest…

Oktoberfest at Deception Valley Lodge....

Oktoberfest at Deception Valley Lodge….. ¨….Once back on form, he's set to…

Gentling a Wildcat...

Gentling a Wildcat…. ¨Beyond the wildcatś plundering quest, for swift and easy…